During your registration on the tradeinterop platform you need to enter a verification code. This verification code will be emailed to the email address you registered with in step 1.
If you do not receive this email, please check the following:
- Did you receive the email in your spam folder? Check the 'spam' or 'junk' folder.
- Did you enter the correct email address in step 1? Check whether you have entered the correct email address in step 1.
If both are correct, you can have the verification code sent again. Proceed as follows:
A. If you are still in the 'Registration - step 5 of 5' screen
- Press the 'send me a new code' button.
- Check if you have received the mail, also check your 'spaml' folder.
B. If you have already left the registration process
- Go through the registration procedure again, from step 1 to step 5.
- Press the button 'send me a new code'.
- Check if you have received the mail now, also check your 'spaml' folder.
If that doesn't work, please create a support ticket with us.