Once you have created an account, you can start creating an e-invoice.
NOTE: You can only send an e-invoice once your bank account number has been verified. You can find out how to do this in step 6 in this article.
Step 1: Log in to the portal
You can login to the portal.tradeinterop.com page. Once you have logged in, click on 'Invoices' -> 'Create new' in the menu on the left.
You will see the input screen below for entering an invoice.
Step 2: Select customer
In this step you select the customer to whom you want to send the invoice. You can enter the first three letters (or more) of the customer name and then select the correct customer from the screen. In addition to customer name, you can also search by Chamber of Commerce number, VAT number, OIN number, street name or postal code. If your customer does not appear in the list, we can add them. Please contact us at support@tradeinterop.com.
Step 3: Fill in the rest of the invoice details
In this step you enter the other information. Please note that information with a '*' is mandatory.
Please note the following:
- Check whether you have received an order number from your customer. If you have not received an order number, enter 'n/a'.
- The invoice number must be a serial number. You are responsible for ensuring that the invoice numbering is consecutive. When registering the invoice (after clicking on 'Send Invoice') it will be checked whether you have used the invoice number in your account before.
- The tradeinterop platform supports VAT rates of 6%, 9%, 12%, 21% and exempt VAT.
Step 4: Add attachments
If you wish, add attachments to your invoice by selecting files or dragging them into the 'Attachments' field.
Step 5: Save invoice
Save your invoice by clicking on 'Save draft'. Stored invoices can be found by clicking on 'Invoices' -> 'Outgoing invoices' in the left menu.
Step 6: Press 'Send invoice'
The invoice will then be sent to the recipient via the Simplerinvoicing / PEPPOL network.