More and more often we encounter the question: 'Do I need permission from my customer to send an e-invoice?
To be sure that a customer can process an e-invoice, you need to know two things:
1. What format of e-invoice can my customer process? Most software packages support the so-called UBL format.
2. How does your customer want to receive the e-invoice? Small companies often accept an e-invoice by email, but large companies often want to receive an e-invoice through secure channels, such as PEPPOL / Simplerinvoicing.
If you and your customer use PEPPOL or Simplerinvoicing, this coordination is no longer necessary. Your customer's e-invoicing preferences are then recorded in a European e-invoicing register (PEPPOL). You or your software package can consult this register electronically.
In short: your customer's permission is not required. Reconciliation is only necessary if you do not use PEPPOL / Simplerinvoicing.